Our Position on Orders
We can still fill your orders.
Why? We have always manufactured in Australia through local individuals who operate out of their home. This has not only allowed us to tightly control the quality of what is produced, but it has helped support the local community by keeping people in Australia in jobs. Something we are very proud of.
The dual benefit of this is we are not overly effected by the shutdown of international manufacturers and our borders. This means we can still manufacture to meet demand and deliver orders all around Australia and the world.
Protection for You
We understand you may have some hesitation on ordering goods during a pandemic. Please be assured all our staff practice the best protection possible when making your goods and packing and sending goods. We also treat all our suits and packaging prior to sending to you. So we can ensure that our goods remain as COVID free as possible.
Material Storage
We have good quantities of material stored in our warehouse.
As material can come in and out of fashion, when you find material you like you have to buy adequate stock. As a result we have good quantities of material for all our designs. This will allow us to keep manufacturing under circumstances such as those we are all experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deliveries Nationally & Globally
We can continue to deliver goods anywhere in the world, through Australia Post.
As long as Australia Post continues to deliver goods, we can deliver your suits directly to your home or business. At this point they are considered an essential service in Australia and continue to service the community. If, and when this changes we will let you know. If you have an order with us in production or in transit with Australia Post and the delivery service is told to stop we will offer you the option to get your money back (a full refund) or wait until services resume. That is our promise.
The Future For Royal Hound & COVID-19
We want to help our community by increasing our production.
This Pandemic is a tragedy for humanity. We understand that there will be many, many people effected now and into the future. We are committed to helping as many people as we can in our community and we intend on increasing our production once things begin to return to the ‘new normal’, whatever that may be.
Have Your Say
Our customers have always been at the centre of everything we do. If you want to discuss our response, or anything in regards to Royal Hound and the COVID-19 pandemic – wave 2, we are here and ready to talk – Contact Us Now.
Please stay healthy, social distanced and as happy as you can be in these troubled times.
Peter, Carmela & the Royal Hound Team